Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes seizures. A seizure occurs when the nerve cells in the brain stop firing in certain patterns and being firing altogether. This activity can cause several different symptoms, but the most commonly recognized one is convulsions of part of, or all of, the body. Seizures can be caused by a variety of conditions, including low blood sugar, head injuries and alcohol withdrawals. In epilepsy, the wiring of the brain causes seizures to occur randomly and without any other discernible reason.

People who have epilepsy often wonder if it is safe to drink alcohol when you have epilepsy. There are several different factors that can increase your risk of having seizures when you have epilepsy. Because alcohol affects the brain, it makes sense that alcohol could increase your risk of an epileptic seizure.

Can Alcohol Cause Epilepsy?

Research shows that people who use alcohol may be at an increased risk of developing epilepsy. Typically, this risk is higher for those who drink large amounts of alcohol over a prolonged period. People who are moderate drinkers are not known to be more likely to develop epilepsy than others. Even those who drink heavily for a short period are not shown to be at a higher risk for epilepsy.

Alcohol-Related Seizures

While it takes a lot of alcohol over a prolonged period of time to increase the risk of epilepsy, alcohol use can still lead to an increased risk of seizures that are not caused by epilepsy. Seizures from drinking are most likely to occur as the effects of alcohol wear off. Alcohol withdrawal seizures are more common in those who have been binge drinking or are trying to stop using alcohol after a prolonged period of alcohol use. Those who overdose on alcohol may also experience alcohol poisoning seizures as the toxins from alcohol build up in their bloodstream.

Can People with Epilepsy Drink Alcohol?

There are two important considerations when someone with epilepsy is considering using alcohol. The first is that those with epilepsy may be more likely to have a seizure while withdrawing from alcohol or using alcohol, even if it is in smaller amounts. The second consideration is the interactions that can occur with mixing alcohol and epilepsy medicine. The interactions can change the risk of an epileptic seizure and the risk of toxic amounts of epilepsy medication in their system. While those with epilepsy are at a higher risk of seizures while using alcohol, the amount of risk varies based on the amount of alcohol used. Someone who has epilepsy and wishes to use alcohol may be able to, but they should speak with their doctor first to learn about the risks in their unique situation and how alcohol could affect their epilepsy.

Dangers of Mixing Epilepsy Medications with Alcohol

Mixing alcohol and epilepsy medication can be dangerous. Alcohol can interfere with the way that your body uses epilepsy medication, making these medicines less effective and raising the risk of a seizure occurring. When alcohol and medications are mixed, it can also take the body longer to process both at the same time, leading to increased levels of alcohol and medication. This increases the risk of an alcohol overdose or that you will get too much medicine in your body, potentially increasing side effects and creating toxic levels of medication.

How to Find Help for Alcohol Abuse in Ohio

Those who misuse alcohol will be at higher risk for seizures, especially if they have epilepsy. Reducing this risk will require stopping alcohol use and maintaining sobriety. If you have epilepsy, you should only attempt to detox from alcohol with medical assistance, as you are much more likely to have withdrawal seizures during the detox process. This will normally require a detox facility or rehab to ensure your medical safety.

If you struggle with alcohol use and believe that it may be worsening your epilepsy symptoms or could be creating epilepsy, then you should consider seeking professional help. Contact The Recovery Village Columbus to learn how professional treatment can help people with alcohol use disorders achieve and maintain lasting sobriety. You deserve a healthier future, call today.


Sirven, Joseph I.; Shafer, Patricia O. “What is Epilepsy?” Epilepsy Foundation, January 21, 2014. Accessed September 4, 2019.

Schachter, Steven C.; Shafer, Patricia O.; Sirven, Joseph I. “Alcohol.” Epilepsy Foundation, March 19, 2014. Accessed April 12, 2021.

Hillbom, M.; Pieninkeroinen, I.; Leone, M. “Seizures in Alcohol-Dependent Patients: […]ology and Management.” CNS Drugs, 2003. Accessed September 4, 2019.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose.” October 2018. Accessed September 4, 2019.

Cleveland Clinic. “If You Have Epilepsy, Don’t Overdo Alcohol.” April 14, 2014. Accessed September 4, 2019.

Epilepsy Action. “Information on alcohol and epilepsy.” June 2019. Accessed April 12, 2021.

MedlinePlus.gov. “Seizures.” National Institutes of Health. February 24, 2020. Accessed April 12, 2021.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.