Ohio’s drug epidemic has Cincinnati in an unprecedented chokehold, ensnaring users with a fatal dependence that is transforming the city. With dealers providing free samples of highly addictive substances like heroin, people are inadvertently hooked after trying a concoction cut with unknown additives. While there is a seemingly endless supply in both the city center and suburbs of Cincinnati, doctors and rehabilitation facilities throughout Ohio are available to help those suffering from addiction.

Substance misuse and related overdoses have reached a record high in the state in just over a decade, with heroin and its fatal cousin, fentanyl, taking the lead. The Ohio Department of Health reports that opioid-related deaths jumped from 296 in 2003 to 2,590 in 2015.

Cincinnati continues to make headlines with a heroin scourge impacting people from all walks of life. There were 94 heroin-related deaths from January 15 to February 26, 2017, recalling a particularly dangerous summer week in 2016. 174 overdoses and three deaths were reported in less than a week in August, 2016, straining Cincinnati’s first responders and medical resources.

Heroin isn’t the only drug readily available in the tri-state area. In their 2016 report, the Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring (OSAM) Network highlights crack cocaine, marijuana and prescription stimulants as the most prolific substances after heroin. Meth, powder cocaine and sleeping pills also saturate the market.

While drug use and availability are ubiquitous in Cincinnati, recovery resources are just as prevalent. Inpatient and outpatient programs throughout Hamilton County provide treatment options to those dealing with multiple forms of addiction. Local physicians can administer life-saving medications and help patients manage addiction before and after more intensive national programs.

With the myriad of resources of available, it is possible to tackle the grips of addiction and restore lives and families impacted by the power of the disease.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Cincinnati, Ohio

Although many in Cincinnati struggle with drug and alcohol dependence, there are a variety of treatment options available both locally and nationally. With over 100 facilities in the Greater Cincinnati area alone, it can be difficult to select the best course of action. For some, local outpatient treatment will suffice. But for those suffering from severe addiction, particularly heroin reliance, a program outside of Cincinnati can be more beneficial for interactive care and long-term recovery.

For those with mild addictions, or those who have already been through a more in-depth program, outpatient treatment may be the best care option. Outpatient programs can be a discreet way of handling addiction while maintaining daily responsibilities like work and family. Along with a trained staff of professionals, patients participate in individual and group counseling and obtain psychiatric therapy. Depending on the need, these programs can take place daily, throughout the week, or exclusively on the weekends.

Outpatient care is also a sustainable safety net for recovering addicts who have already participated in a more advanced detox or residential treatment. Because addiction often manifests itself in familiar surroundings and habits, continuous outpatient treatment offers a safe place for personal maintenance and supplies a built-in network of supportive caregivers and peers.

While outpatient centers are ideal for some, those suffering from more severe addictions like heroin often thrive in an inpatient setting outside of their immediate area. Residential inpatient centers like The Recovery Village in Columbus, Ohio offer an intensive program that includes gradual strides for development. A step down from detox, an inpatient center provides a 24-hour nursing staff and a wealth of resources for personal development.

Because inpatient centers allow clients to remove themselves from stimulants and distractions at home, they are often more successful for those seeking long-term results. After participating in a residential program, many recovering addicts are able to face their home life with new vigor and determination without falling back into old patterns. With a comprehensive treatment plan, individual and group therapy, and ongoing review, inpatient facilities offer an unmatched level of care for those in serious need of help.

With locations throughout The United States, including a brand-new facility in Columbus, OH, The Recovery Village offers a full breadth of treatment options. With services including detox, inpatient and outpatient treatment, along with partial hospitalization and aftercare planning, the national brand provides an unmatched community of support throughout the healing process.

Our Closest Facility:
The Recovery Village Columbus
3964 Hamilton Square Boulevard Groveport, OH 43125
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Detox Centers

The first step to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is detox. Medical detoxification provides a safe environment to clear the body of the gripping effects of substance use disorder.

Because detox can be difficult and dangerous alone, medical treatment is recommended for those suffering from severe cases of addiction. Trained experts are able to help manage intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms to jumpstart a healthy recovery. With 20 detox centers in the tri-state area, there are plenty of potential treatment options for those ready to make a critical shift toward healing.

While medical detox can be completed with the help of local treatment centers, it is important to remember that it is only the groundwork for successful recovery. A facility that offers a full range of treatment, from medical detox all the way to aftercare, is the best way to come out on the other side of addiction.

The Recovery Village offers a national network of full-service rehabilitation centers across the country, including a new location in Columbus, Ohio. These programs progressively treat the whole person with comprehensive levels of care that transition from detox to inpatient and outpatient options, aftercare planning and everything in between. Completing detox is not enough to sustain long-term change, so ensuring a plan for each step of rehabilitation is crucial for overcoming addiction and transitioning to a substance-free life.

Recovery Meetings Near You

AA Meetings

Recovering from alcohol addiction can be a lifelong process, especially for those who struggle with alcohol combined with other substances, like heroin. After completing the first stages of treatment, including detox and inpatient and outpatient care, group meetings can play a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to create an aftercare plan before leaving treatment. The Recovery Village in Columbus, Ohio helps patients achieve long-term sobriety by securing a safety net before a patient even returns home. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), an international group dedicated to helping those impacted by alcohol misuse, is often part of that plan.

These meetings are held throughout the country, with hundreds of resources in Cincinnati alone. The following groups provide unique social settings for those seeking fellowship in recovery:

Meetings near Cincinnati, OH

  • Sobriety Sisters
    Camel Club
    9020 Reading Rd.
    Reading, OH 45215
  • Relationships in Sobriety
    Waycross Forest Park Chapel United Methodist Church
    680 W. Sharon Rd.
    Forest Park, OH 45240
  • No Shoes Required
    405 Oak St.
    Cincinnati, OH 45219

AA offers a full list of groups for every interest and location in Greater Cincinnati. Understanding that addiction is not a solitary struggle can inspire a lifetime of healthy choices with the guidance and understanding of new friends.

NA Meetings

Much like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provides a safe space for dealing with opioid addiction alongside people who understand the battle. With 67,000 weekly meetings in 139 countries, the organization offers a wide-reaching network for fulfilling 12-step programs and ongoing support after treatment.

With Ohio facing a heroin crisis, NA is an invaluable resource for resisting the restraints of addiction and moving on. For some, simply attending NA meetings may be enough to overcome mild dependence. But with the widespread availability of drugs like heroin in Cincinnati, using NA as a follow-up to inpatient treatment at centers like The Recovery Village can help former users establish new ties to their home city without the pull of substances.

These groups have no religious, political, law enforcement or medical associations and membership is free, so there are no barriers for seeking help. Support is available across the Greater Cincinnati area at locations including:

Meetings near Cincinnati, OH

  • Carthage Community Center
    125 West North Bend Rd.
    Cincinnati, OH 45216
  • Christ Hospital
    2139 Auburn Ave.
    Cincinnati, OH 45219
  • Mirror Lake Gazebo
    1500 Eden Park Dr.
    Cincinnati, OH 45202

For a full list of meetings, including times and address, visit the NA website to find the best fit for your support group.

SMART Recovery Meetings

A non-profit dedicated to providing assistance to those working to abstain from addictions of many kinds, SMART Recovery offers the unique 4-Point Program that teaches participants how to:

Build and maintain motivation
Cope with urges
Manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors
Live a balanced life

SMART stands for Self Management for Addiction Recovery, but members are never in it alone. The program offers tools for sobriety including group meetings with strategic goals and focuses. The self-empowering mission of the organization is evident with the breadth of options available. In-person meetings around the world help build a live network of support, but online meetings are also available. An online messageboard also offers a safe space for discussion and networking. This broad range of resources makes it easier than ever to stay connected to personal care while cultivating meaningful connections with people who can help.

Assistance groups like SMART are a key part of continuing recovery, especially after treatment at an inpatient or outpatient facility. While these meetings can help springboard healthy habits, they often serve as better assistance to those who have already undergone detox and are well on their way to stable recovery.

With meetings across Cincinnati, northern Kentucky and beyond, there’s a structure in place to help build an addiction-free lifestyle anywhere in the world. A few of the meetings in Cincinnati take place at the following locations:

Meetings near Cincinnati, OH

  • University of Cincinnati Counseling & Psychological Services
    225 Calhoun St.
    Cincinnati, OH 45219
  • VA Center
    3200 Vine St.
    Cincinnati OH, 45220
  • Mercy West Hospital
    3300 Mercy Health Blvd.
    Cincinnati OH, 45211

Select from a list of locations and meetings to become a part of a global system of support.

Nar-Anon Meetings

Addiction is a powerful force that not only impacts those struggling with its influences, but also family and friends. There are several support groups for recovery, but not as many for the loved ones of those suffering from opioid addiction. Because substance abuse has far-reaching effects beyond the individual embroiled in the battle, it is imperative that everyone involved has resources for dealing with addiction. Nar-Anon Family Groups are designed specifically for those who are concerned for family or friends struggling with addiction.

Nar-Anon takes a similar 12-step approach for friends and family members as Narcotics Anonymous takes with addicts. Because addiction is a deeply personal experience, Nar-Anon helps non-addicts recognize their role in recovery — as well as their limitations — with grace. There are several groups in the Cincinnati area, including meetings that take place during the same time as NA sessions, making it easy for addicts and their at-home support to attend and make strides together. Some groups and locations include:

Meetings near Cincinnati,OH

  • Nar-Anon Family Group
    Center for Chemical Addictions Treatment
    830 Ezzard Charles Dr.
    Cincinnati, OH 45214
  • It Works for the Families Too
    Pleasant Ridge Recreation Center
    5915 Ridge Ave.
    Cincinnati, OH 45212
  • Hope for Today
    9403 Kenwood Rd.
    Blue Ash, OH 45242
    Suite C111

For a full list of meetings available, along with accompanying NA meetings and times, visit the Nar-Anon website.

Addiction Resources in Nearby Cities

There are numerous resources through Ohio and the Greater Cincinnati area. With treatment facilities in Fairfield, Hamilton, Mason, Middletown and smaller cities in between, there are multiple treatment options within a short drive of Cincinnati.

Because substance misuse and addiction are often triggered by familiar environments and people, it can be helpful to seek treatment elsewhere. For those in need of holistic care that includes detox and inpatient and outpatient therapy, The Recovery Village in Columbus, Ohio is a nearby resource that allows enough distance, yet maintains a safe proximity for friends and family during treatment. With treatment centers throughout the state and local doctors on call to help maintain an aftercare program, it is possible to reverse Cincinnati’s heroin dependence with the guidance of trained professionals and the personal determination to overcome addiction.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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