Cole Piché

Recovery Ambassador
Meet Our Alumnus, Cole
Cole Piché graduated from addiction treatment at The Recovery Village Columbus. In a recent interview, he shared his recovery story, hoping to inspire others to seek the help they need:
When did you realize you wanted to get treatment?
“I hit rock bottom…
I woke up in the hospital after being in a coma for over two days. I had had a seizure from alcohol withdrawal while going down my hardwood steps. This was not my first alcohol-related seizure. I came to in the hospital with tubes down my throat and tubes in other places (I will not go into detail). I was terrified, had zero memory of how I got there and how long I had been there. My memory was severely affected for weeks. My family did not know if I would wake up or what condition I would be in when I did.
I had been to treatment once before but relapsed soon after. This time, I came to the realization that this disease is life or death. Before this happened, I did not care whether I lived or died. By coming so close to death, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to live, I wanted to be happy again. Only sobriety could make me myself again.”
Why did you (or your loved one) choose our treatment center?
“I believe it was fate. I googled “rehabs near me” and clicked on The Recovery Village. I called and told them I needed to get into treatment as soon as possible. After 11 days in the hospital, I arrived at The Recovery Village.”
What part of your treatment was the most helpful?
“The staff. Especially Mel Timberlake and my therapist Nadine. Mel has an amazing story, and against all odds, he came back from near death and decided to become a counselor to help people with the same disease he has struggled with. I believe Mel found his calling and is doing exactly what he was meant to do in life. Mel, Nadine, and the rest of the staff at RVC saved my life, and I am forever grateful for them showing me that happiness and recovery is possible for anyone who wants to achieve it.”
Who made the biggest difference in your recovery journey?
“My family, most of all my brother and best friend Shane.
At RVC, Mel Timberlake made the biggest difference in my recovery journey. I am forever grateful for his passion and wisdom. RVC gave me the tools to live a happy and sober life. I now feel like I have a purpose in life and wish to help others achieve what RVC gave me.”
How has your life changed after getting treatment at our center?
“My life is slowly changing day by day. It’s the little victories that make up recovery; it is not something you can do overnight.”
How would you encourage someone else who needs treatment?
“I would tell them that they are not alone. Active addiction is a sad and lonely place, but there are other people out there going through the same struggle as you. You just have to seek them out. Do not be ashamed of your addiction, be proud of the way you battle it, day in and day out. You have nothing to lose by going to rehab, only things to gain.”