As one of Ohio’s leading providers of addiction treatment, Recovery Village Columbus is committed to helping those recovering from addiction re-assimilate to society and have fulfilling interactions within their community. No matter what stage of your recovery journey you are in currently, having a supportive interim environment can be a vital aspect of staying on the right path and achieving long-term sobriety.

Sober Houses Offer a Continuing Care Option

Sober houses provide a unique opportunity for recovering alcoholics or drug addicts to get the support they need and re-acclimate to day-to-day life after in-patient treatment. Most importantly, these facilities are safe, substance-free environments for those who are in active recovery, offering an alternative to returning to high-risk environments such as places where friends, family, and co-workers may tempt you with drugs or alcohol or daily stress may tempt you to self-medicate.

The best sober houses are those who employ trained staff to provide ongoing support to residents and who take an active role in assisting their recovery. An ideal candidate for a sober house is someone who:

  • Has completed a duration of inpatient treatment
  • Has sufficient coping skills to live semi-independently
  • Displays willingness to participate in a residential recovery program
  • Has a reliable support system of friends and family

Unlike traditional hallway houses for those recently released after a period of incarceration, sober living homes are maintained by private entities and not the state or law enforcement. They are not monitored by government agencies and are instead supported by individual fees. Usually, residents can stay as long as they need and are encouraged to do so. The goal is to maintain sobriety and overall wellbeing through a combination of professional and peer support.

Addiction impacts every aspect of your life. That is why sober houses are uniquely equipped to provide mental health counseling, medication management, and actionable coping mechanisms for achieving and maintaining permanent sobriety. One of the most critical aspects of a good sober housing program is social integration and activities, providing a social environment that supports mental health and self-esteem for those who have completed the majority of their treatment program but still need some ongoing support.

Treatment is One Call Away 

If you or any of your loved ones are struggling with addiction right now, help is available to you at Recovery Village Columbus, a premier Ohio drug rehab facility. In comfortable and safe surroundings, you can begin your journey away from addiction and toward a better life.

In rehab, you will learn new coping mechanisms that help you avoid destructive behaviors that may have affected your life negatively in the past. You will receive help via a treatment program that is designed essentially for you. No two people are alike, and no two treatment plans for addiction are alike. We will work with you to find the combination of therapies that best suits your individual needs.

Once your time in rehab is done, you may feel the need to transition to a sober house or another type of aftercare support. We can help with that process as well.  Please do not wait to get the kind of help you deserve. Contact us today to learn about admissions.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.