Ohio leads the country when it comes to overdose deaths, particularly from opioids like heroin and fentanyl. It’s not a distinction the Buckeye State necessarily wants to have, especially since these overdoses surpass states with larger populations like California and New York. Unfortunately, it’s the reality, and it’s something people across the state are trying to solve with various solutions.

One example of the many headlines that fill the local newspapers and news stations each day is the fact that drug overdoses were the leading cause of death among cases seen in the Butler County Coroner’s Office in 2016. Coroner Dr. Lisa Mannix said that by the first quarter of 2016, 112 deaths had been investigated by her office, 47 of which were drug overdoses. Thirty-five of the overdoses were related to heroin, and 26 of those heroin-related deaths also included the use of fentanyl. These trends are not exclusive to Butler County or Monroe, Ohio. They’re reflected in counties across the state.

There are 15 counties in Ohio accounting for around 80 percent of overdose deaths in the state. These counties include not only Butler but also Clermont and Warren.

The past few years have set records for the number of heroin and fentanyl overdose deaths, and there’s no sign of things slowing down in 2017.

What can be done from a policy perspective is unclear, but individuals and their families do have options available to them. Below are some top substance misuse and recovery resources in Monroe, Ohio, as well as statewide and national options available to people who are not only addicted to opioids but also other substances like alcohol.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Monroe, Ohio

If you have an addiction problem, the first and best step you can take is to start exploring rehab options, whether they’re local in and around Monroe, or they’re elsewhere in Ohio or the country. While there may be no actual cure for addiction, attending a drug or alcohol rehab center in Monroe is helpful in many ways.

First, when you attend rehab, whether inpatient or outpatient, it can help reduce cravings. At an inpatient rehab facility, your treatment team can help you deal with uncomfortable or severe withdrawal side effects through medication.

Attending drug or alcohol rehab also provides a support system, and unlike options such as 12-step programs, a thorough inpatient rehab facility will teach participants mechanisms for staying sober, offer co-occurring diagnoses to address underlying mental issues and create personalized treatment plans combining the most effective pairing of individualized and group therapy.

While inpatient, residential rehab tends to be most effective and safest, there are other options, mainly outpatient care. Behavioral health clinics and physicians throughout Monroe, Ohio and other nearby cities and towns may offer addiction treatment on an outpatient basis, although detox and dual diagnosis might not be part of treatment.

For someone who participates in an outpatient drug rehab program, the focus isn’t necessarily on detox-related medical and physiological issues; those must be dealt with separately. Instead, during outpatient rehab, a participant’s treatment focuses on therapeutic and psychological care.

Outpatient programs make it more likely that someone will relapse even during treatment because the level of care and support isn’t around the clock. It’s usually recommended that people with short-term or less severe addictions participate in outpatient therapy. Outpatient treatment in Monroe may also be an option for someone who’s already completed an inpatient program and wants a certain level of support throughout their recovery.

Along with deciding between inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment, another key decision that has to be made is whether to attend rehab locally in Monroe or to travel to another city.

There are limited rehab options in Monroe, most of which are outpatient and behavioral health programs. By traveling to places like The Recovery Village Columbus, people from Monroe can expand their treatment options. They can find a nationally accredited residential center where they can go through detox, inpatient care and then work with a team of specialists to create an aftercare program.

If you’re interested in learning more about a high-level addiction treatment center, contact The Recovery Village Columbus to explore the programs available along with insurance and payment options.

Our Closest Facility:
The Recovery Village Columbus
3964 Hamilton Square Boulevard Groveport, OH 43125
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Detox Centers

One of the biggest reasons an outpatient rehab program isn’t the best choice when you’re initially trying to stop using drugs or alcohol is because detox isn’t part of the program. Detox is a critical component of successfully recovering from addiction, but at the same time, it’s not a treatment in and of itself. With drug addiction, there are many layers of both psychological and physical dependency and factors.

To be able to begin treatment, someone first needs to go through detox, which is a medical intervention process that helps an addict through the symptoms of acute withdrawal. For the best possibility of recovery, drug users should complete a medically supervised detox program and then begin a treatment plan.

There are different timelines and symptoms for withdrawal that come with different drugs, and addiction specialists and physicians can treat these side effects appropriately. For example, with opioids including prescription pain medication, heroin and fentanyl, symptoms may include cramping, vomiting, muscle aches and agitation. With benzodiazepines such as Xanax or Ativan, withdrawal symptoms may include sedation, tremors, panic attacks, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.

Some of the detox centers that are closest to Monroe include the Eastwood Clinics Shelby Township in Utica, MI, and Selfrefind in Morehead, KY.

You can also opt to travel somewhere like The Recovery Village Columbus, a nationally recognized treatment center that is easy to access throughout the state. At The Recovery Village, you can participate in a medically supervised detox and then move immediately to an individualized treatment plan.

Recovery Meetings Near You

AA Meetings

The time after you complete detox and then subsequent addiction treatment, whether in an inpatient facility or through outpatient therapy, can seem joyous, but that sense of exuberance in your accomplishment can quickly fade. This can be particularly true if you return home to Monroe, Ohio following treatment and you’re not sure where to turn next. Recovery from addiction can best be described as an ongoing process, which often lasts a lifetime, so in addition to rehab, you will probably also need local resources to maintain your sobriety.

One option is Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA. This addiction recovery support group has local meetings in Monroe, as well as all of Ohio and even the world. Participating in AA can help people who are in recovery avoid the urge to relapse, through a sense of hope, accountability and the building of a social support network.

There are a lot of ups and downs that can follow rehab for drug or alcohol addiction, and AA is one of the ways to steady yourself to stay on track in the face of these highs and lows. When you return from rehab or complete a local treatment program, you will likely begin to look for local AA meetings or other similar support groups in your area.

Some of the closest AA meetings if you live in Monroe are in nearby Middletown, OH and are held at publicly accessible venues like Soule Solutions Basement and First Presbyterian Church.

Meetings near Monroe, OH

Soule Solutions
31 Crawford St.
Middletown, OH 45044

1st Presbyterian Church
14 Front St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

Beauty Grove Baptist Church
66 Race St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

NA Meetings

Another resource available locally to people in Monroe who are still using, are attempting to stop using, or have completed rehab, is Narcotics Anonymous. NA is a 12-step program that’s ideally used as a follow-up to intensive rehab.

A 12-step program is a self-help concept that lets you put your recovery as a priority each day. These meetings work well as a complement to rehab because they don’t offer psychotherapy, which is available with a formal program, but they do provide support and strength for you as you work on your recovery.

When you leave for addiction treatment, you’re probably doing so to take yourself out of your environment as an addict, including certain people and triggers that lead you to have the desire to use drugs. While you may be away from all of these elements in rehab when you return home, it might not be as easy to avoid these people and situations.

By attending something like NA, you can develop a new social support system and a group of friends that can help you remain accountable to yourself and your recovery.

Most of the NA meetings located closest to Monroe, Ohio are actually in Middletown, Ohio and there are options held throughout the week.

Meetings near Monroe, OH

Faith United Church
1511 Philadelphia Ave.
Middletown, OH 45044

Central Club
2oo Curtis St.
Middletown, OH 45044

Traditions Clubhouse
1307 Woodlawn Ave.
Middletown, OH 45044

SMART Recovery Meetings

An alternative to AA or NA, SMART Recovery is described as a program focusing on self-management for addiction recovery. SMART Recovery is an addiction recovery support group where people can participate in face-to-face group meetings or online meetings. It’s an option that’s growing in popularity, and the addiction recovery concepts of SMART Recovery are based on cutting-edge scientific research, in addition to empowering yourself to make the decisions that will keep you substance free.

It’s a 4-point program that helps in recovery from all kinds of addiction. The approach of SMART Recovery is about self-empowerment and self-reliance, the provision of educational and supportive meetings, and gaining the encouragement to recover from substance abuse and live a fulfilling life.

There are techniques taught for self-directed change, so it’s a more active group than what’s found with something like AA or NA, and it promotes the use of psychological treatment as well as prescribe psychiatric and addiction medication as part of a successful recovery.

The SMART Recovery meetings that are closest to Monroe, OH include Mason, Ohio and West Chester, Ohio.

Meetings near Monroe, OH

HOPE Center North
4483 US-42
Mason, OH 45040

Lindner Center of Hope
4075 Western Row Rd.
Mason, OH 45040

Beckett Springs Hospital
8614 Shepherd Farm Dr.
Beckett Ridge, OH, 45069

Nar-Anon Meetings

What about substance abuse and recovery resources not just for people addicted to drugs or alcohol, but for their friends and family? People around addicts are impacted heavily by their drug usage, and they may find there aren’t as many resources dedicated to helping them repair their lives and cope with the fallout of addiction. There is one localized resource, however, and that is Nar-Anon. Nar-Anon takes a 12-step approach to family groups that’s similar in many ways to AA or NA.

Nar-Anon is a spiritually based support group where family and friends of people battling addiction can come together and share their stories, and also build a social support system similar to what an addict or someone in recovery would do at NA or AA. These groups are voluntary and confidential, and while people are encouraged to share their stories, they’re not required to.

The closest Nar-Anon meeting to Monroe, Ohio is located in Middletown, Ohio at the MidPointe Library.

Meetings near Monroe, OH

MidPointe Library Middletown
125 S. Broad St.
Middletown, OH 45044

Lakeview United Church of Christ
8639 Columbia Rd.
Maineville, OH 45039

Trinity Episcopal Church
115 N. 6th St.
Hamilton, OH 45011

Addiction Resources in Nearby Cities

Monroe, Ohio is a relatively small city, and while there may be a few substance misuse recovery resources, they’re somewhat limited. For people struggling with addiction, there may be the need to travel to cities or towns located near Monroe. These locations nearby include:

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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