The news headlines coming out of Marion, Ohio every day are sadly similar to what’s seen in large and small cities and towns across the state and the country. Most of the top stories are related to arrests for drug trafficking in Marion, manufacturing drugs, drugs being discovered during traffic stops, and perhaps even most unfortunate of all, deaths related to drugs.

If you were to browse the news for Marion throughout 2016, you would see headlines like “MARMET arrests 6 for drug trafficking, seeks 4 more suspects,” and “MARMET busts drug operations in Marion.”

There are also stories about the consequences of this drug use. For example, in October 2016, there were reports that Marion first responders answered 12 overdose calls related to heroin, one of which resulted in the death of a man.

It’s not just Marion that’s suffering from the opioid epidemic. Reports show that more than 3,000 people died in Ohio in 2015 as the result of drug overdoses. Governor Kasich recently introduced the idea of creating a way to review drug overdose deaths, and he incorporated the plan into his recent budget proposal. Under the Governor’s plan, counties would be able to create drug overdose fatality review committees. The committees would look at the specifics of each death that occurred in the county and create a database. That database would include demographic information on the victim and other pertinent information related to the death. Those reports would then be submitted to the Ohio Department of Health.

While policymakers and law enforcement officials struggle with solutions for the widespread problem of drug addiction in Ohio, particularly opioids, individuals are also struggling. It’s important for people in Marion and surrounding areas to have information about the resources that are available to them regarding substance abuse and recovery. Compiled below is information that integrates resources available locally in Marion, in other nearby Ohio cities and across the country.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Marion, Ohio

When someone is struggling with addiction, if they have the motivation to get treatment, it’s an excellent sign. That kind of motivation and recognition that you can’t continue with your current lifestyle are an important part of the recovery process, but after that initial realization, it’s just as important to choose the right method of treatment. There are two rehab facilities located in or relatively close to Marion, OH, but there are advantages to traveling out-of-state in a situation like this.

The following are some of the primary types of treatment options:

  • Holistic and Biophysical Treatment: With this type of substance abuse treatment, there are holistic and alternative treatments done to ease the discomfort of withdrawal. The concept that underlies this approach is that there are many complex issues at the core of physical addiction. With a holistic rehab approach, the mind and the body are treated in order to make a complete recovery. A lot of modern medicine looks at treating physical symptoms, but not the other contributors to addiction.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Another option that may be offered in either inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This can be offered on its own, or as part of something like a holistic treatment approach. CBT aims to improve the chances of long-term sobriety because it focuses on eliminating unhealthy behaviors and learning to self-manage without substances.
  • Dual Diagnosis: A dual diagnosis is an innovative form of addiction treatment, and it’s a good option for people considering inpatient or outpatient therapy. Dual diagnosis is a term that refers to the possibility of co-occurring disorders along with addiction. Dual diagnosis describes people who have an addiction to substances as well as mental issues. There is a lot of complexity that comes with diagnosing and treating these patients.

These are just a few of the types of addiction treatment that are available, but there are other categories as well. For example, long-term residential rehab, short-term residential treatment, and outpatient treatment.

There’s also the option to stay local for rehab or to leave Marion or the state of Ohio. Leaving the state is often the preferred route because it allows patients to make a clean break from the environment where they’ve been using drugs or other substances, gain a new perspective and have a fresh start.

Our Closest Facility:
The Recovery Village Columbus
3964 Hamilton Square Boulevard Groveport, OH 43125
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Detox Centers

The concept of detoxing is one that scares a lot of people. It can undoubtedly be one of the most challenging aspects of recovery from substance abuse, but it’s also essential. If you live in Marion and you’re struggling with addiction, you do have the option of staying local for detox. But, if you opt for a national brand rehab and treatment facility like The Recovery Village, there can be a lot of advantages.

First, it gives you the opportunity for a fresh start. You’re away from the environment, social triggers and stressors that might be intertwined with your addiction. Another benefit is that it’s safer. Around-the-clock medical support is pivotal during detox because it can be deadly, particularly for opioid users. A team of detox experts can make medical interventions that will ease symptoms and cravings, and make it a more successful experience. Also, it’s important to realize that detox in and of itself is not a treatment for addiction. It’s simply the beginning of a rehab and recovery process, so detoxing on its own without addressing the underlying issues of your addiction isn’t a long-term sobriety strategy.

Recovery Meetings Near You

AA Meetings

There are two ways you can look at Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups that are similar. The first is to look at AA as a way on its own to work on recovering from addiction to alcohol. This can work for some people, but it’s often recommended that people first attend a professional detox and rehab facility, and then once they’ve successfully completed that and returned home to Marion, begin looking for local AA meetings.

Recovery from addiction to any substance is an ongoing process, and while Marion might not offer extensive inpatient rehab facilities, you can maintain your sobriety once you return home by participating in something like AA meetings.

The first early days after rehab and during your recovery are some of the most important, and these are the most pivotal times you should start looking for local Marion AA meetings. AA can help you maintain the skills you learned in rehab, and also build new ones as you adjust to a different lifestyle.

Meetings near Marion, OH

Marion Area Fellowship Intergroup
197 E. Center St.
Marion, OH 43302

Fairpark Community Baptist Church
940 Bremuda Dr.
Marion, OH 43302

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
197 E. Center St.
Marion, OH 43302

NA Meetings

Another option either with or without rehab is NA. Narcotics Anonymous is a group that, much like AA, is based on 12 steps and spirituality, as well as belief in a higher being. Ultimately, while everyone might have a different experience or different reason for going to NA meetings, the overarching objective is for members to have a place to share recovery with other addicts.

A lot of rehab facilities will introduce concepts of NA during treatment, and then therapists will work with patients to create an aftercare plan that will include these meetings as part of their long-term plan.

There are almost 67,000 NA meetings held each week around the world, and the group encourages not just working a 12-step program, but also regular attendance at weekly meetings. The atmosphere promotes a sense of social support for people who want to maintain their drug-free lifestyle.

There are several weekly NA meetings held in Marion. Locations for these local Marion NA meetings include:

Be Ministries
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Just for Today
Foundations Halfway House

Meetings near Marion, OH

Be Ministries
193 E. Church St.
Marion, OH 43302

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
197 E. Center St.
Marion, OH 43302

Foundations Recovery Center
269 Rose Ave.
Marion, OH 43302

For a full list of meetings, including times and address, visit the NA website to find the best fit for your support group.

SMART Recovery Meetings

What if you live in Marion and you’re either in the midst of addiction, or you’ve completed rehab, and you’re looking for aftercare resources, but you don’t feel like AA or NA is a good fit for you?

If this is the case, you’re not alone. There’s another program option becoming increasingly popular around the world called SMART Recovery. SMART Recovery supports refraining from drugs and alcohol based on concepts of self-empowerment, rather than powerlessness. Spirituality is not a part of SMART Recovery either, which are some of the key ways it differs from 12-step programs.

With SMART Recovery, meeting attendees receive practical tools and strategies to manage their addiction. This program doesn’t look at addiction within the framework of being an incurable, lifelong disease. The program assumes there are degrees of addictive behavior, and people experience them differently, but the negative consequences for some people become so powerful that they recognize they need to make a change.

Meetings near Marion,OH

Foundation Recovery Center
269 Rose Ave.
Marion, OH 43302

Worthington United Methodist Church
600 High St.
Worthington, OH 43085

222 Center St.
Findlay, OH 45840

Nar-Anon Meetings

Addiction is not a singular issue in that it doesn’t just impact the addict. It affects everyone around the person in a profound way, including friends and family. If you opt to go to a rehab facility, you will likely do work that deals with your friends and family and looks at your addiction in terms of how they’ve been affected.

If you are the friend or family member of someone with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there are local resources you can turn to as well. Nar-Anon works on many of the same principles of AA and NA, and focuses on 12 steps or principles, although Nar-Anon isn’t affiliated with AA or NA.

Nar-Anon is a family group that helps people learn to live with addiction in their lives, and it can be one of the best free, local resources for anyone who’s struggling with an issue related to addiction, even if they don’t maintain a relationship with that person anymore.

Meetings near Marion, OH

St. Paul Catholic Church
313 N. State St.
Westerville, OH 43082

Meadow Park Church of God
2425 Bethel Rd.
Columbus, OH 43220

New Hope Church
637 N. Market St.
Loudonville, OH 44842

For a full list of meetings available, along with accompanying NA meetings and times, visit the Nar-Anon website.

Addiction Resources in Nearby Cities

If you live in Marion, OH and you or a loved one has an addiction problem, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. There are methods available locally in Marion including AA, NA and other support groups, as well as doctors who can prescribe medications to aid in opioid addiction. There are also national options available to Marion residents regarding addiction treatment and rehab. You may want to consider nearby cities for more extensive substance abuse and recovery resources. Some of the cities and towns located near Marion, OH include:

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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